The Uprising Youth Ministries is a unique and safe place for teens to come learn, worship and grow spiritually without the added pressures of the world around them. We offer a relaxed, thought provoking space for spiritual discussion and life application through the eyes of teens.
Our focus is on the everyday struggles of Pre-Teens and Teenagers alike and how to biblically handle anything that the devil will try to throw at them.
Throughout the year, we have many opportunities for relationship building, community events, and group excursions. Some of these include Influence Summer camp, District and Regional BLAST, and Winter Retreat. All of which are invaluable events to help our students develop into mature Christian adults.
The uprising youth Ministries in the next level for those outgrowing the Faith Kids Children’s Ministry. We focus on Teens 6th grade through 12th and our schedule is as follows:
Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study - 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 6:30 pm
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